University Courses
Summer Semester 2021 (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Master Course: Internet Imaginaire (with Nadine Schabét)
- Seminar: Sociology of Emotions
- Lecture: Introduction to Sociological Theories
- Colloquium: New Research Perspectives in Cultural and Social Theory
Winter Semester 2020/21 (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Master Course: Sociological Theory
- Seminar: Georg Simmel
- Lecture: Introduction to the Philosophy of Science
- Colloquium: New Research Perspectives in Cultural and Social Theory
Summer Semester 2020 (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Master Course: Current Social Analysis
- Seminar: Sociological Theories of Space
- Lecture: Introduction to Sociological Theories
- Colloquium: New Research Perspectives in Cultural and Social Theory
Winter Semester 2019/20 (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Master Course: Sociological Theory
- Seminar: Architecture, Sociologically Considered
- Seminar: Introdution to the Sociology of Religion
- Colloquium: New Research Perspectives in Cultural and Social Theory
Summer Semester 2018 (Leipzig University)
- Seminar: The Structure of Cognitive Minorities: Evangelicals in Leipzig
Summer Semester 2017 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Architecture, Sociologically Considered
Summer Semester 2015 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: The Social Construction of Reality (in English)
- Seminar: Urban Ethnography
- One-week Interdisciplinary Seminar at the Bauhaus Dessau: Sociology of Architecture – Philosophy of Architecture (with PD Dr. Peter Bernhard, Philosophy)
- Colloquium: Space, Place, Power (with Prof. Dr. Helmuth Berking, Sociology)
Winter Semester 2014/15 (TU Darmstadt)
- Lecture: Key Concepts in Urban Sociology and the Sociology of Space
- Seminar: Urban Anthropology (in English)
- Seminar: Introduction to the Sociology of Architecture
- Seminar: The City in Cinema
- Colloquium: Space, Place, Power (with Prof. Dr. Helmuth Berking, Sociology)
Summer Semester 2014 (TU Darmstadt)
- Lecture: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology II
- Seminar: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology II
- Seminar: Introduction to Urban Sociology
- Seminar: Religion and Symbol (with Jochen Schwenk, M.A., Sociology)
- Colloquium: Space, Place, Power (with Prof. Dr. Helmuth Berking, Sociology)
Winter Semester 2013/14 (TU Darmstadt)
- Lecture: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology I
- Student Research Project: Unaffordable Dwellings? Comparing Gentrification and Protest in German Cities II
- Colloquium: Space, Place, Power
Summer Semester 2013 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Introduction to the Sociology of Space
- Student Research Project: Unaffordable Dwellings? Comparing Gentrification and Protest in German Cities I (with Prof. Dr. Martina Löw, Sociology)
Winter Semester 2011/12 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology I
- Seminar: Architecture, Sociologically Considered
Summer Semester 2011 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology II
- One-week Interdisciplinary Seminar at the Bauhaus Dessau: Modernity – Post Modernity – Reflexive Modernity (with PD Dr. Peter Bernhard, Philosophy)
Winter Semester 2010/11 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology I
- Seminar: Thresholds (with Dr. Monika Grubbauer, Architecture)
Summer Semester 2010 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology II
- Seminar: The Social Construction of Reality
Winter Semester 2009/10 (TU Darmstadt)
- Seminar: Theory and Society – Introduction to the History of Sociology I
- Seminar: Mobilities and Materialities (with Dr. Sybille Frank, Sociology)